Seto isn't normally happy and most of the time he's moody but he is still one of my
favorite charecter's because he's a good duelist.
Seto is the owner of kiaba courp wich used to be a weapon courporatoin now it
a gaming company.

Seto Kiaba hates being beat in a duel well dosen't every one but he does exept that Yugi
is the king of games at least that what Joey think's so no one knows if kiaba did admit it

Kiaba only tore up Grandpa's blue eyes because he didn't want it used against him
but who would care if you were kiaba and you had 3 blue eyes would you care aboue one.
Blue eyes ultimate is one of the diffrent type of blue eyes' it is made up of
three blue eyes and has a fear some attack of 4500 it is rarley beat as you can probaly guess.
One of the blue eyes trio best deafet was against Exodia they were beat but it looked
cool when Exodia
just abliterated them,they were shadows then nothing.

Kiaba's first look at a blue eyes was when he was eight and his smaller brother
Mokuba drew him one and said to kiaba one day you will get a real blue eyes I promise.
Blue eyes enemy is the dark magian in present time but in ancient time's they helped
each other fight deabound and Bakura but they couldn't but blue eye ultimate dragon surely could kiaba thought deabound was
seto's biggest duel was against Dart's he was beat and so was blue eyes but seto got
his soul back and his oblisk ,Ra and slifer beat the lebithian he was proud with oblisk too bad blue eyes didn't beat libithan.

Blue eyes toon is one of kiaba's enemy and this little toon knows it so when ever
Pegasus duel's Kiaba the little toon come's out to annoy kiaba and Kiaba can't beat it but Seto finally does but Pegasus bring's
this little guy back and kiaba shouts"You know I hate that thing,it mock's the name of blue eyes."