The three Egyptian god's are some of the best card's beacause they can be fusioned to create The
creator of light a extremly powerful card that has beat exodia 5 times

Seto Kiaba took control of Kiabacourp when he was seven,his step brother Noah was supposed to be
in control of Kiabacourp but was in a car crash and had to go into a virtul world and couldn't take control so kiaba
Blue eyes ultimate is Seto kiaba's 2nd favorite card,he also the fusion of three blue eye's and
has only been beaten three time's
Yugi Moto made the puzzle and set free a 5ooo year old spirit then he got his deck and
then himself and the spirit stated to duel
Atem is 5000 he is from anient egypt he learned to duel when he was 36 and became pharoh of
egypt back then Kiaba was his freind.
Bakura is one of my favorite charecter's in yu-gi-oh because he look's like the baddie but is
the goodie because he want's to set all the soul's that made the item's free.
Kiaba and Yugi are worst enemies(Well that's what Kiaba think's but Yugi think's there freind's)