Jaden is the second best duelist in duel academey his dream is to be the King of game's.That won't
happen if he can't beat Zane Truesdale he was beat by Zane ,then he drew with Zane in a school duel.In the second series
Jaden was the top duelist on the academyuntil the pros arrive and Zane comes back to school.In the 3rd series jaden is
the 2nd best again.

Dr.Crowler hate's Jaden because Jaden call's him some funny names(cyclops and a weird cheer leader
thing).His favorite card is Ancient gear golem,he has used it twice against Jaden and Peagus.In the 2nd series crowler dueled
to save the slifer dorm then tries to get it a new white dorm.Then in the 3rd series he is happy everthing is norm,al
and his blue dorm is blue.

Alexis is in obelisk blue dorm and has been nicknamed the obelisk blue queen she dueled Jaden and lost she only dueled
him because Syrus snook into a girl dorm and Jaden dueled her to protect.In the2nd series alexis is in the society of lightthen
she gets set free by Jaden.In the 3rd series she is back to normal.

Chazz dosen't like Jaden because Jaden has beat him a duel and Chazz had to leave the academy beacause
people took the mick out of him.When Chazz came back he was a slifer slacker!

Chumely is one of Jaden's room mates and he like's kowala cards ,grilled cheese but he never
does normally win he does get a job on one of kiaba's satillites and Peagus is his boss.Chumley came back to the
academey because one of his fellow worker's stole ra and hid at duel academey.

The flame winged man is one of Jaden's strongest monsters if it wasn't for wing man Jaden would
of been beat by Chazz.If Jaden was beat by Chazz he would have to leave the academey.

Zane is the top duelist on the academy he has a little brother in the second series he becomes
a pro he gets beat and beat until he went dark and used cyber dark dragonsin the 3rd series he was back to normal.

Winged Kuriboh means alot to Jaden because the king of games(yugi moto)gave it to Jaden.Kuriboh always
helps Jaden.
